

You either love it, or you hate it: fresh coriander!

For me, it is the icing on the cake, the sprinkle on the curry that makes it extra delicious and counterbalances the spicy and creamy ingredients with its zingy, slightly sour and quite distinct taste. Very few people say it tastes like soap, I hope you are not one of them! Ground coriander, however, doesn’t have such a strong taste and is an ingredient in many of V-Giyan™’s curries. Both fresh and ground coriander have plenty of health benefits.


Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) or “dhaniya” is a very commonly used herb in Indian cuisine, but not exclusively. Mexican dishes like Guacamole also feature fresh coriander (cilantro) and it has become quite popular in the “detox hype” for its ability to help the body get rid of unwanted heavy metals.


In Ayurveda, it is considered a balancing herb that can support overall health and well-being. Coriander seeds have a cooling effect on the body, which makes them beneficial for balancing excess Pitta (fire) dosha. They can help soothe symptoms of Pitta imbalances like acidity and heartburn.


Coriander seeds also have diuretic properties, meaning they can promote the elimination of excess water and toxins from the body. This can be helpful for individuals with oedema or urinary tract issues. They are considered an appetite stimulant and are often used to improve appetite, especially in cases of loss of appetite or anorexia.


As mentioned above, fresh coriander is a detoxifying herb. It has antioxidant properties and helps cleanse the body of toxins by stimulating the liver and kidneys. It can support the elimination of heavy metals from the body, which can be particularly beneficial in today’s world of environmental pollutants.


There are various uses of coriander which you can easily incorporate into your everyday life!


1. In Cooking:
Add fresh cilantro leaves to salads, smoothies, and soups. Its refreshing taste not only adds flavour but also helps with digestion.
Ground coriander powder can be used in cooking, particularly in curries, vegetable dishes, rice, and roasted vegetables. You can sprinkle it over dishes like vegan stews or quinoa for flavour. A great way to incorporate coriander daily is by using it in your spice blends. Combine it with cumin, turmeric, and black pepper for a healthy, flavour-packed spice mix to add to soups, stews, and vegan curries.


2. Herbal Tea:
You can make a simple coriander tea by steeping a teaspoon of crushed coriander seeds in hot water for 5–10 minutes. Drinking this tea once or twice a day can support digestion, detoxification, and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.


3. Coriander Water (Infused Water):
To help with digestion and detox, add a few coriander seeds to a glass of water and let it steep overnight. Drinking this water in the morning on an empty stomach can aid in digestion and flush out toxins.


4. Smoothie Add-ins:
Fresh coriander leaves can be blended into smoothies. It pairs well with fruits like mango, citrus, or pineapple, adding a hint of freshness while providing digestive and detoxing benefits.


Try a few of our V-Giyan™ dishes with coriander, such as our Mint, Coriander and Green Chilli chutney, our Garlic and Coriander Naan, or the Tikka Masala.

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