

Highly regarded for their numerous health benefits:

Fennel seeds

Fennel is the ultimate “digestion helper”. From babies’ colicky bellies to upset stomachs in adults, fennel soothes, takes away discomfort and excessive gas.

In Indian cuisine Fennel seeds are a popular addition to any meal, to boost digestibility without adding heat.

At V-Giyan™ we add fennel seeds to most of our curries in order to help your digestive system break down the delicious food and access its nutrients. Try our Okra Fry or Lahore Karahi for a subtle taste of sweet fennel amongst other ingredients.

In India, chewing a few toasted fennel seeds after a meal is a common practice, both to aid digestion and to freshen the breath.

Fennel seeds, known as Saunf in Ayurveda, are highly regarded for their numerous health benefits. Here are some key Ayurvedic advantages:

* Digestive Health: Fennel seeds are excellent for improving digestion. They help alleviate bloating, gas, and indigestion by promoting the production of digestive enzymes.

* Pitta Balancer: Fennel seeds are known to balance Pitta dosha, making them useful for cooling down internal heat and soothing inflammation in the body.

* Detoxification: They act as a natural diuretic, helping to eliminate toxins and excess water from the body.

* Weight Management: Fennel seeds may help in controlling appetite and promoting weight loss by improving metabolism.

Fennel seeds can be used whole or ground. Whole fennel seeds, sautéed in ghee, coconut or olive oil, contribute aroma and flavour to dry vegetable dishes, and ground fennel works very well in sauces.

Fennel seeds can also be baked into cookies and muffins and a small quantity of ground fennel can be added to rice pudding for an exotic flavor.

Try to add a pinch of fennel seeds to your tea or make a fennel infusion if you want to calm down an upset stomach or just to support your digestive system with a sweet but refreshing flavour.

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